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Friends of Ballymacward

Our PTA, The Friends of Ballymacward, has been established for about 16 years. The group consists of parents, staff and members of the wider community who come together with a common goal – to ensure the pupils of Ballymacward are able to benefit from the best of all round educational experience possible.


All the ‘Friends’ give freely of their time, experience and enthusiasm. They meet regularly to discuss, evaluate and plan varied methods and ventures to raise vital funds.


We always endeavour to offer fun filled events that cater for all ages and tastes. Some events for families and children have included Halloween Disco & Pumpkin Competitions, Christmas Fairs, Summer Fetes, Cake Sales (run by our P7 children) and Non-Uniform Days.


Other events such as Night at the Races, Italian night, French night and Irish Night, to name just a few, have allowed the ‘grown ups’ the opportunity to unwind, dance and to have a ‘bit of craic’. Indeed, one of our most profitable evenings was a ‘Night at the Races’, which we held in the local Ballymac Hotel and successfully raised over £1000 on the night.


The ‘Friends’ are very proud to have been able to contribute to the pupils education in a number of ways, for example: by purchasing ICT equipment and reading materials, supporting visits by professional drama and music groups and hiring buses for a variety of outings such as the pantomime and P.6/7 residential.


We operate an open door policy and would warmly welcome any parents (of past or present pupils) or members of the community who would like to join us in planning upcoming events.

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